Undersand How To Invest And Accelerate Your Journey Towards Financial Freedom

Who Invest Academy™

For A Lot Of Dentists I Talk To, The Idea Of Even ONE Day Without An Alarm Would Be Game Changing.

Hey there 👋,

Thought I’d knock this together…
So you can see what’s ‘in the box’ should you decide to join the Dentists Who Invest Academy.
But first, let’s take your pulse…
Because I only want you to join if you absolutely feel this is the best choice for you and your partner or family.

So, Here’s 3 Important Things To Know…

You Pay A Hidden Inflation Tax On Every Penny Saved In Your Bank Account...

Meaning your purchasing power and quality of life are being silently eroded. And the more you save, the more ‘tax’ you pay.

A Big Chunk Of Your Tax Bill Could Have Been Written Off As Investments…

Every day you don’t invest is like a birthday for the tax man.

Compounding Interest Means The Fees You Pay When Investing
Can Push Back Your ‘Financial Independence Day’ By Years.

That all adds up to a big chunk of change…
And a lot of time you’ll never get back.
Moving forward, you could use that money to fund a comfortable, secure lifestyle…
Give your kids a better head start in life…
Take a day off once a week…
Or retire from dentistry altogether one day. The great part is it comes to be your choice.

You Pay A Hidden Inflation Tax On Every Penny Saved In Your Bank Account...

Meaning your purchasing power and quality of life are being silently eroded. And the more you save, the more ‘tax’ you pay.

A Big Chunk Of Your Tax Bill Could Have Been Written Off As Investments…

Every day you don’t invest is like a birthday for the tax man.

Compounding Interest Means The Fees You Pay When Investing Can Push
Back Your ‘Financial Independence Day’ By Years.

That all adds up to a big chunk of change…
And a lot of time you’ll never get back.
Moving forward, you could use that money to fund a comfortable, secure lifestyle…
Give your kids a better head start in life…
Take a day off once a week…
Or retire from dentistry altogether one day. The great part is it comes to be your choice.

If none of that bothers you…

If you’ve already got everything under control…
Or you’d rather focus on setting up your own business or side-hustle...
Then guess what?
You needn’t read any further.
And I just saved 3 minutes of your life 👍
But if you’ve been putting off investing because it feels complicated…
Or you currently lack the knowledge to make confident choices…
Then I’m inviting you to join the Academy so together
we can make everything holding you back a non-issue.

Before We Go Any Further, A Word Of Warning:

The Academy Is NOT About Passive Income…

Or overnight rags-to-riches…

And there is No guarantee.

But on the other hand…

If you have ZERO intention of spending the rest of your life running to keep up on the hamster wheel
of work, life, chores, commutes…

And everything else that needs taking care of until you drop from exhaustion…

The Dentists Who Invest Academy Is Your One-Stop Shop To Know What To Do, And In What Order, To Reach “Financial Independence Day” 🥳

Luke and I will take you by the hand through:
Building wealth even if you’re starting from scratch…
Avoiding common pitfalls…
Side-stepping little-known risks…
And hitting delete on nightmarish decisions that cost a fortune in lost time and money…
So you can pull your financial independence day forward by years…
Work less, or retire from dentistry altogether if you like…
While giving your kids a financial head-start in life.

We’ve Documented The Entire Process An Elite Financial Advisor Would Normally Take You Through…

Including sharing the secrets they don’t want you to know 🤫
This means…
When or if you do want an FA…
You’ll have smarter conversations that help them to truly help you.
You’ll fly straight to your target like an arrow…
Instead of chasing your tail like a lost puppy.
We spent a staggering 3 years researching this program from scratch.
That’s thousands of hours…
And after all of that…
We still spent 18 months writing and scripting this program.
Drafting and redrafting…
Binning information that doesn’t work in the real world… Making every last word easy-to-digest, memorable, and fun to absorb.
There’s no dry theory or fluff…
And plenty of easy to follow examples.
Our goal is to completely remove your confusion when it comes to investing….
To give you new clarity…
So you take confident action.
And the best way we can do that is by demystifying the entire process for you.

Luke’s A Top-Tier Financial Expert…

He’s also a great listener…
A rare skill, and to my mind, one of his secret weapons.
Being one of life’s listeners allows Luke to truly understand where you’re coming from…
Unlike a lot of experts who already seem to know what they’re going to say before you’ve even finished talking.
All of which means his answers have wings.
But back to business:

Luke has 10 years experience helping dentists grow roses in their financial garden.

The group coaching calls with him (and your’s truly) are - I believe - worth the price of entry on their own.

As for me…
Doctor James…

I was able to leave dentistry after only a few years.
And the way I did this was by replacing my income with…
You guessed it…
Investments and a side-hustle that turned into what is meant to be a business, but feels like far too much fun.
I’ve invested a small fortune in coaching and mentors along the way.
Quite a few other members in the group have a business going on outside dentistry.
All of which means:
If you have business plans or dreams, we can guide you there too…
But that’s NOT our main focus.
Think of it as the side order to your main course.
Anyway, if you have one foot on the accelerator and one foot on the brake when it comes to investments…

For A Start… You Get 98 Lessons And Videos
Covering All The Below:

• How to quickly tune into the success channel so you get to Independence Day faster… Skip this step, and you’re relying on blind luck

• A proven way to quickly and easily understand your current financial reality and ‘trim the fat’ from your outgoings.
• This can give you more cash flow without doing a single second of extra work.

Income lever 1 including:
Income lever 2 including:
Income lever 3 including:

When borrowing money might just be your BEST next step.


This is not an invitation to get into debt or use credit cards to pay for your investments. 

This is about growing your wealth, not giving yourself a heart-attack.

But that said…

As long as you ‘paint inside the lines’ and keep your head screwed on your shoulders…

There are times when taking on debt can potentially lead to a massive windfall later down the line. 

Income lever 4 including:
  • Asset categories


  • Lifestyle assets


  • Business assets


  • Cash flow assets (the stream)


  • Growth assets (the reservoir)


  • Emergency funds


  • Inflation


  • Your savings rate


  • Windfalls


  • And more


  • How to stop getting stuck before you get started… Or in other words, how to pick your approach:


  • Saving vs investing…


  • Trading vs speculating… 


  • Owners vs loaners…


  • And tons more clear-sighted, to-the-point info to get you leaping ahead.


  • Including how to stop it from sinking your investment ship completely (you have been warned)… 

    And the safer approach Luke and I take.

    It’s lower risk, and can lead to surprisingly profitable returns.

Little-known ways to allocate your assets to maximize potential windfalls…


Including HOW to invest in a volatile market…


When to triple-down on equities…


And more…

How to allocate your assets based on your own personality…


Current financial situation…


And more…


So you’re a comfortable investor with everything under control.


Let’s riff on this a bit more… 


Because I believe this approach is like having your own custom-fit safety harness.


The entire journey feels safer – because in my experience it almost certainly IS safer. 




If you’re the kind of person who likes to jump out of burning planes at 100,000 feet and learn to fly on the way down…


And no judgments here…


You can adjust all settings to match your own comfort with risk.

You’re about to find out.


Luke and I will lead you by the hand through everything you need to make a truly informed choice… 


Including the different types of fund, fees, diversification and off the shelf options.

*98 videos! That’s a lot!*

But you almost certainly won’t have to watch all of them.
Because you also get a lovingly written article to go with each video. So here’s what I recommend:

• Read The Article
• If You Understand And Feel Confident, Move On To The Next Step
• Need More Understanding?
• Watch The Video For An In-Depth, Fun, And Conversational Breakdown
• Simple

Plus… You Get 12-Months Of Group Coaching So You’re Fully Supported, and just as importantly… TAKE ACTION!

Good news:
Your days of analysis paralysis are done and dusted.
No more sitting on your hands wondering what to do…
Or when to do it…
We’re giving you everything you need to know…
And everything you need to do…
To achieve your personal Independence Day.
If it helps…
Think of these group calls as your own private investment gang.
We’re on your side…
We’ve got your back…

And we’re 100% committed.
If you were ever looking for ‘an edge’...
A place to get all your questions answered…
Or a group of friends to support you…
This group is it.
It’s like when you meet someone new…
But after talking for minutes, it feels like you’ve known them for years.
That’s our goal for you in these private group coaching sessions.

You Don’t Have To Worry About Jargon…

Or compare your results to anyone else’s. We all start from zero. And there are no ‘silly’ questions. Ultimately, we created this group to be a community. So it’s all about YOU.

What Happens Next Is Up To You…

But before you join:
Realize there is no guarantee, and all sales are final.
If that’s a problem, then simply don’t join.
Seriously - its all good. Only love from this side.

On The Other Hand, If You’re Ready To Get Started, Here’s What To Do:

That’s all from me.

Your friend,
Dr. James

P.S. What, you scrolled down here for the TL;DR?
*Pulls down chalkboard, puts on half-moon teacher glasses and looks at you sternly over the brim* 👨‍🏫
Back to the top you go, dear student…
If you have any financial ambitions at all…
But fear of the unknown stopped you getting started with investing…
Then I’d suggest the potential rewards make reading this page 3 minutes of your time.
Chop chop!