Dentists Who Invest

Podcast Episode

Full Transcript

Dr James: 

Hey everyone, welcome back to the Dentists who Invest podcast. I’m joined today by someone super interesting and we’re here to address what everybody is thinking about and saying what the heck is happening in crypto, and I am joined today by my friend, austin Davis, who runs a podcast specifically for doctors and dentists who are into DeFi slash crypto. Austin, how are you, my friend? Hey, I’m doing great. It’s great to talk to you today. That’s awesome. So, austin, we’ve just met. We’ve just been getting to know each other off camera, but, for the benefit of people who were not privy to that conversation, maybe it might be nice for you to say a little bit of a hello and an intro.

Dr Austin: 

Yeah, I’ll talk a little bit about myself real quick. So I’m a dentist here in the United States, in Tennessee. I started a few practices back over the past, say four to five years, and one of the practices that I really enjoyed was denture and implant practice. So it was a niche practice just with dentures and implants specifically like the all on four procedure I don’t know is that big and over where you are.

Dr James: 

Yeah, it’s like it’s a little sexy at the minute, Like when people want full-life implants, they want all on four. It’s like the you know, you know. Like when people want clear liners and they say they want to invisible line. It’s kind of like that, except for implants.

Dr Austin: 

Yeah, yeah, and so it’s huge here too, right. And then so I guess I started at the exact right time went to zero, you know, start up zero to $5 million and under two years in this new practice, and I was like, wow, I’m really onto something here. So, long story short, we’ve ended up opening quite a few of these across the country. We now have, I think, 13 denture and implant specific practices in either 10 or 11 different states, continuing to open them up, and most of them are, you know, focused on all on four. So that’s been a really fun thing that I’ve been doing. And then back to crypto. I just started talking to some of my friends about crypto. So two guys, peter Bolden and George Hariri and myself we just we all are really into crypto, and so we started a podcast where literally all we do with no other intention other than just talking to each other about it and having fun. And so I think that’s how you found me is. I think I posted a link to our podcast in the group and then, yeah, that’s how we got connected. So I think that’s enough of a backstory.

Dr James: 

No, that’s awesome, and you know the power of the internet and serendipity and all that stuff, and it’s brought us together today to make this podcast and enlighten people to crypto and its wonders and its magic and also just address what the hell is going on right now. Because naturally, well, I say what the hell is going on, but really, when you’re a fan of crypto, you know that it goes through cycles and actually this is the interesting part that those periodic cycles actually align with exactly what’s happening right now, in that we’ve got the boom market, massive hysteria, which usually lasts about a year. Then we’ve got this two year bear market afterwards, which, if you take what’s currently happening and apply it historically, it’s the same pattern repeating over and over again. At least that’s the theory, right? But anyway, even if you didn’t understand all of those things that I just said to the listener this is, if you didn’t understand all the things that I’ve just said awesome will offer his take as well, because that will enlighten us further and allow us to, well, just get a handle on what’s going on really.

Dr Austin: 

Yeah. So in general with crypto, and especially when it comes to crypto and dentists or medical professionals, is, when you see a lot of dentists talking about crypto, you probably should not be considering buying crypto at that time for yourself, and right now you’re not seeing any Facebook groups or podcasts or anything. No, dentists are talking about crypto right now. That’s because of everything that’s happened over the past 12 months. There’s been a lot of things that have killed just consumer confidence in the industry. A lot of things have just been terrible and it’s been a bad look. But right now, when no one’s talking about it, now is the time to be paying attention. Now is the time to be watching what’s going on and also accumulating. If it’s something you’re interested in accumulating your own position. It doesn’t even have to be a huge amount of your personal net worth Just getting off Zera and starting to get acquainted with how to buy and sell crypto and how to hold it and secure it and store it and all those good things. Now is the time to do it when no one else is talking about it, and the only thing people are saying about it right now is how bad it is and how it’s a scam and how SPF has killed the industry and it’s never coming back, and all these negative things. Whenever I see all that, they’re all positive in my mind.

Dr James: 

Cool man. So how did you personally begin that journey in crypto? I know that you said that you purchased it a little bit in 2017, 2018.

Dr Austin: 

Yeah, yeah. So I, 2017, 2018, I just was kind of paying attention, watching what was going on. I didn’t really have. I had just finished dental school. Then I had no money, so I wasn’t really investing or anything. I had a little bit, but I was just watching what was going on and then I kind of you know, not a lot of interest there, but just kind of kept up with it and you know, just whenever I saw news stories about it, I’d read it. And then 2020 came around and I so had to close my practices, obviously with COVID, and I was closed, for I don’t remember whatever was required. Here is like two months. I was closed, right, which was just wild to me that I had to close, and so I obviously had a ton of free time. It was before our first child was getting ready to be born, and so I didn’t have any kids and I just had tons of free time with me and my wife at home and I kept on telling her every day. I was like there’s something right now that’s going to change the world. That’s really important and I just need to figure out what it is. And like I was just thinking and reading, and so I, you know, I knew some about Bitcoin at that time, but something just made me start studying Bitcoin and I was just like got really really into it and I was like this is what I’m looking for, like this is what the world needs right now, and I just became completely obsessed and that’s when I really started investing, which was obviously a great time. You know, it’s one of those things that if you invest at the right time in crypto, it’s easier to get hooked, because, you know, I started buying Bitcoin at, like say, $3,000, $4,000, and I was buying a good amount. And then it went on that crazy bull run through 2021 and beginning of 2022. And so it was like my interest happened to align with like a really good time too. And so over the past two years, I’ve just, you know, all of my free time I spend is just what I want to read about and learn about and use, and you know, now I have. Are you familiar with D bank? It’s like an Ethereum wallet tracker. I am not Okay. So I like I’m really deep in this stuff and so I won’t talk about it much, but I’m like I’m top 50 in the world on D bank. It’s like like ranks Ethereum wallets based on like use and just tons of different metrics. But like I’m, I’m really into it now. That’s what I use all my free time.

Dr James: 

Okay, respect, tell me this, tell me this what was the one thing that tipped you over the edge so that you began to invest in crypto? Because, for me, right, whenever I learned that it was deflationary, there was going to be less and less with being created with time and more and more cash being created continuously Then what that made me realise was was I was like oh, wow, okay, so even if not another person buys any Bitcoin whatsoever, by the sheer fact that there’s going to be way more cash and that’s going to continue to cause this inflationary upward pressure, then the theory is that that would drive the price. I was like Wow, so it’s actually the fact that cash is so bad that drives all these asset prices, as well as anything else. So you might as well have some exposure to Bitcoin. Let’s be clear not the family flipping house on Bitcoin, you know what I mean, but at least some exposure to it, right? I was like, okay, wow, well, that’s the tip and point for me.

Dr Austin: 

It makes sense and I yeah, yeah, so, yeah, I think I probably had a similar, similar realization. You know, back in 2020, when the money printer was cranked on again and it just started, you know, lots of different monetary games were being played by the different governments around the world. And I’m like, okay, there’s this weird game. So, like you know, kind of like we were talking earlier about like the adult game. Like an adult game is like starting and growing a business, or like and using money as like your high score, right, and as long as it’s like you have a healthy version of this game, then it’s a great game to play. However, when you’re using dollars or whatever you may be, using whatever fiat currency you’re using as your unit of account, you have these other people behind the scenes that are like changing the rules every single day on how the units of account work, right, and like they’re creating tons of it and giving it out to people and giving it to companies and like all these different ways. That where the game is kind of unfair, right, and you don’t even know how it’s unfair or what the rules are. And then, with Bitcoin, I was like, wow, it’s like it’s this new unit of account that every single person knows the exact rules. The rules can’t be changed and everyone has, like it’s a. It’s a much fairer game and it’s like kind of like, if you’re playing like soccer, right, and like you know, the rules of soccer are the same always and so it’s really fun. But imagine if, like, some random people change the rules of soccer every single time, like it wouldn’t be very fun anymore because no one would know the rules. It was the same with money, right, like, and when that hit me, I was like Bitcoin is just a superior unit of account because the rules are set in stone, they’re fair, everyone knows them, everyone can see them and they can’t change. And when that hit me, it was just like one of the most profound things I’ve ever realized. It’s so simple, but it was. It just changed my mind about so many different things.

Dr James: 

That’s cool. So that was, that was the moment, that was the tipping point. That was like you know, like you know, like for me, everybody remembers where they are right. I actually remember where I was, where I was reading that, I was on my bed and I was like, oh wow, that is insane. Yeah, that is one of the biggest epiphanies about cash of all time at least for me it was. And fine when, when you know that here’s the thing right, here’s the biggest thing to realize, right. I always used to think, when it came to investing in anything this is, let’s include crypto in that, but also everything right, everything related to investment I used to think that if you don’t do anything, you’re okay, right, and you actually start to do that stuff at risk. Actually, the greatest risk is to not be educated and be financially literate, because you lose by default without doing anything, because your cash never appreciates Right.

Dr Austin: 

Yeah, absolutely.

Dr James: 

Boom, epiphany. Anyway, I really enjoyed that was. That was like the big revelation for me. That was from a book over there actually on my, on my bookshelf I’m just looking over my shoulder called how to own the world by Andrew Craig. You ever read that book?

Dr Austin: 

I have not.

Dr James: 

He’s been on. He’s been on dentistry invest a few times, but yeah, that was the book that inspired my journey into finance. Oh, actually, on the topic of books, by the way, if everyone is listening, we said also now said we just do this ad lib Before we came on, so this is very much as whatever pops into our head, but at the same time, there’ll be lots of, lots of value, because these are the cool things about crypto. We can just say them off the cuff. What book would you recommend? Was there any books that you can recommend? Somebody’s brand new to crypto? Because I’ve got a ton of books. Everybody’s heard my recommendations on the podcast, so we need some fresh faces when it comes to recommendations. What are your thoughts on that one, austin?

Dr Austin: 

Yeah, I think people have probably heard this recommendation before, but for me, the first one that I read, and the one that, like I think, is like a great intro to Bitcoin, is the Bitcoin standard. You know, have you read that one?

Dr James: 

the bit I have not. That’s no man. Yeah, I highly recommend that one.

Dr Austin: 

Yeah, the Bitcoin standard. It just like helps you start thinking about money differently. Right, it’s not even necessarily about crypto, is just thinking about money differently. I think it’s a. It’s a really valuable Skill really is just to kind of understand money at a deeper level than just the surface level.

Dr James: 

Cool, cool, cool Cool. Here’s a curveball. Well, maybe not, because you this might have come up on doctors and defy before. Probably at some point. Why do you think dentists, specifically, should educate themselves on crypto? Or that’s a good one, it’s all.

Dr Austin: 

Yeah, I definitely do. Yeah, I think that dentists are just naturally higher income earners, right, and so they have extra money to invest, and so you know, learning how to invest your money, I think is really important from you know learning how to like manage your, your business, and how to manage your personal finances. I really treat my personal finances like a business and so, like I have a really strict set of rules around how I invest in crypto, and I think you know the first step to investing in crypto is learning about it. You can’t just you can, you can just go out and buy Bitcoin or or whatever, but if you don’t have the baseline understanding of why it’s important, and just a baseline understanding of Really what it is, then it’s hard to have conviction. Because it is so volatile, right, and so the the easy thing to do is look at the price of Bitcoin, right. The hard thing to do is, like understand why it’s important, and so understanding why it’s important is is necessary, because when the price goes from you know, like it recently did from 70,000 to 15,000, you need to know why it’s important to have the conviction to buy it at 15,000 instead of just following the news cycles and buying it at 70,000 and so, yeah, I mean, I think it’s. It’s a worthwhile journey, even if you never, ever want to invest in any cryptocurrency Bitcoin, ethereum, anything. It’s still a worthwhile journey so you can learn just more about how money works right and inflation and deflation, and you know just it. It sent me on a journey beyond just Bitcoin, but, and as far as just learning about how money works, I think it’s super valuable, so valuable.

Dr James: 

Honestly, and it’s so easy. I feel that maybe at the start and something I used to be guilty of for add any literacy on finance was To let the newspapers and headlines be my flipping investment thesis. Okay, no one ever got rich from doing that. If anything, they remain where they were right and that definitely was what happened to me. And the whole purpose of newspapers is to be sensationalist and sell papers, not to make you money, and that’s the most important thing to remember. And here’s the thing they treat the stock market the same as crypto. It’s just that, in terms of, in terms of, whenever there’s a crash, the Furore that happens from the media, right, it’s just that crypto is so controversial, I feel like it’s definitely more clickbait to write those sorts of articles that hate on it. Are you with me? At least that’s my. Anyway, tell me this Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the, the daddy of the crypto space. Naturally speaking, bitcoin was the first. Do you think there’s any merit in the other cryptos that have appeared since then? Ethereum and the smaller cryptos? Ethereum and the smaller cryptos.

Dr Austin: 

Yeah, I definitely do. I think, like when a new technology has been discovered or created, or what you want to call it, how oftentimes is there only one application of that technology ever for the rest of the world? I feel like that’s kind of like if you say that Bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency that ever matters, it’s kind of a narrow view on just human ingenuity and what we can create. So I’m a big believer in Ethereum specifically, and with my own personal investments, that’s like my single largest investment in crypto is Ethereum actually over Bitcoin. So out of my total 100% of my crypto investment, I have 40% Ethereum, 30% Bitcoin and I actually have 30% and other smaller things, and who knows if that’s a good decision or not. But what I do is I create these parameters that I invest in and as long as I stay in those parameters, then I feel comfortable with the amount of risk I’m taking on and not getting called up and something new. So, yeah, I definitely think, to answer your question, I definitely think that there will be other things other than Bitcoin that are important.

Dr James: 

Well, there’s all kinds of philosophies in the space, so obviously Bitcoin is a daddy, and then the original, and then Ethereum came along somewhere after that. It wasn’t the very first one that came along after Bitcoin, there were others, it just happened to be the most noteworthy one. And now you get the people who say actually Ethereum is the king and Bitcoin is outdated, and blah, blah, blah. There’s all sorts of things, and I think the short answer is to say that literally no one the hell knows.

Dr Austin: 

Okay so if you’re going to have that that’s literally it.

Dr James: 

So if you’re going to have it’s like when you’re going to have exposure to the stock market, you buy. Well, I wouldn’t want to name products on this, but let’s just say someone might reasonably argue that you could buy the S&P 500, right, and you could. Just plenty of people do that as their long term investment thesis. Right, because it diversifies for you, or maybe an even maybe a fund that reflects an even larger basket of equities, like the global stock market, etc. And you’re effectively diversified across every single company, right. So that thesis, when applied to the crypto space, is you have some Bitcoin, you have some Ethereum and maybe you have a few altcoins just to boost returns that you cycle out off. You got to be careful with those things. That’s where the the trader, more of a trader mentality comes in. At least, that’s the philosophy that I’ve always come across. But anyway, we talked about your podcast just a minute ago, doctors of DeFi, and DeFi is an interesting one because there might be a few people listening who’ve yet to come across the term DeFi, so would you be able to articulate for those people what DeFi is?

Dr Austin: 

Yeah, defi is short for decentralized finance, and it was other than the ICO, which was kind of like the 2017-2018. What they did on Ethereum. It was kind of the second use of Ethereum was decentralized finance, and so it was a way to use cryptocurrency and that it wasn’t just transferring one token back and forth between another person, right. So, like with Bitcoin, you can take a Bitcoin, you can send it to someone else and send it back, but there’s not really a lot you can do With decentralized finance. Essentially, ethereum created a way to program these currencies, right, and so when I say program, I mean you can deposit a token into a contract that allows you to like lend it to someone else or to create another token with it, or all these different things you can do with your cryptocurrency, and so it just it gave it a use case beyond just sending it back and forth. And so now decentralized finance that was probably back in 2019, 2020, when it first started to become a thing, and it’s something that’s just really boomed over the past couple years, and you know, it’s had a boom, it’s had a bust, but it’s still around and it’s the area that I’m really interested in and it’s just fun to me, you know, playing with all the different things that are being built on Ethereum and other smart contract platforms, like Solana I’m sure people have heard of her, you know there’s Avalanche or all these other ones, and so I just it’s just a really interesting area and it actually has users and people building products and building applications, and you know it’s exciting. So that’s that’s what I pay attention to a lot of these days.

Dr James: 

That’s cool, man. So safe to say long term for the space, you’re a believer 110%. And then, in addition, as well as that, there’ll be a lot of dentists out there listening to this who are skeptical of crypto. And naturally, it won’t be for everyone, and I’m the first person to say that, and I will always caveat no matter what we say about investing, ultimately no one knows. The one thing to remember about investing is that the only guarantee is that if you do nothing, you’ll never get, you’ll never actually appreciate your wealth. That’s the what, that’s the only guarantee, right? So, all of a sudden, everything else that looks that much more appealing. Now, within that, within that perspective, some people will begin to think, okay, wow, so I need to begin to think how I can appreciate my money. Do I use crypto as part of my portfolio? Do I go all in? I would not encourage that. So let’s just roll back from anybody who’s listening. I definitely think it should be, in my opinion, part of your portfolio, right? So, to those skeptics, to the people who are like nah, it’s going to feel blah, blah, blah. What do you say to those people? What do you think?

Dr Austin: 

Yeah, I think you know you should only invest what you’re willing to lose, right? I mean, it’s still a really speculative industry and, kind of like I was saying earlier, I have very strict parameters around what I will invest, right, and so that helps keep you from following the hype or the news stories or whatever, and so you know if this is something that you’re interested in and interested in starting to dabble with, pick a set percentage of your liquid net worth that you have to invest and say, okay, over the next 12 months, I’d like to have this percentage of my net worth invested into this asset class and it’s going to be different for everyone, right, and some people it might be 1%, some people it might be higher than that, but just pick your percentage and do it. For mine, mine’s obviously a lot higher than I would recommend for anyone else, because it’s an area that I spend a lot of time on and I feel like I know a lot about and I also have income from my businesses and everything to where, if the asset class goes to zero, that’s okay. I’ll consider it a learning lesson and I will not regret any of my investments because of what I’ve gained along the way, and so just being comfortable with everything you put in, going to close to zero is kind of a first step for sure.

Dr James: 

Yeah, 100%. What sort of things do you see developing in the space? What are you watching right now? Given that you’re someone who’s got their flipping finger on their pulse, given that your podcast is quite literally on this stuff, what sort of things do you see popping up that you’ve definitely, you’re definitely getting excited about?

Dr Austin: 

Yeah, one thing I’ve really been paying a lot of attention to lately is decentralized. So, you know, using it’s kind of hard to explain, but you can basically use a cryptocurrency to have decentralized social account. So, instead of having, like, a Facebook account or a Twitter account or an Instagram account, you can have one single account and then, if all the people that build applications around that account, you can take your users and your followers and your content between tons of different applications. So, like you could have like a Twitter and then a Reddit and an Instagram, and all of your followers, all your content, all your everything goes between them all, and so I think that’s really powerful. One and then two, just with everything. You know going on with Twitter and the censoring of information and you know, I know Elon Musk is trying to stop that, but you know, if there’s a centralized actor, they’re always going to be pressured into censoring right, whether it be from advertisers or governments or whoever. It’s really hard to have like a truly open and free dialogue on a centralized social media company. So, yeah, decentralized social media is the. I think that’s the trend that I’m really watching over this year or the next year, and I think it’s something really interesting and exciting and a new potential use case of crypto. You know there’s Bitcoin first and there’s Ethereum, with smart contracts and decentralized finance, and I think you know one of the next use cases could be this decentralized social media use case. It’s a really important thing. I think that it needs to be solved.

Dr James: 

That’s cool. I know this is only vaguely related, but have you seen that thing? Chat GPT. I think probably everybody has by this point.

Dr Austin: 

That is no yeah that is really crazy.

Dr James: 

You people, people use it to make their content now. So, for anybody who doesn’t know, this is an AI chat bot and, honestly, go and talk to this thing is called, like wwwchatgptcom, something like that. If you Google it, it’s going to come up and basically talk to it for about 10 minutes and see if you can figure out whether it’s a human or a robot. Okay, but, spoiler alert, it is actually a robot, but that’s why convincing it is, it’s absolutely not. My friend messaged me and he was like oh yeah, you should see this chat bot, have a look at it, let’s look at it together. So we like looked at it together and he was like he typed in this thing and it was. He said something along the lines of make a joke out of an avocado and a wombat and, you know, like a sausage dog. Okay, the voice of Dr Dre. Okay, right, I was like no way, this thing just started in right there, there and then seamlessly just started making this joke up and it was like hey, it’s your boy, dr Dre. But first of all, let me tell you about my avocado joke up. It was unbelievable. But anyway, the reason why it’s vaguely related is that people use it to make content for socials, and then, obviously, this is evolution of socials that you’re talking about as well, and there’s things are going to get really wacky these next five years. You know from our 2022 brains, you know what we consider real. You know, like the rate of advancement of technology is just going to. It’s just, it already is nuts, like science fiction from when I was. You know, 15 is not real, like virtual reality assets, etc. And it was part of that. You know, if crypto is going to die, I think it would be dead already. You know what I mean. Absolutely. You know. Something doesn’t last how many years? 14 years and then just flipping fade into oblivion, right? At least in my opinion, at least on. Okay, put it like this no one knows for sure, but it’s on bounds of probabilities, right? That’s what I think.

Dr Austin: 

Yeah for sure. The chat GPT was like. I remember my first time using it was like a really memorable experience. You know, I think like throughout my life I’ve had a few like memorable technology experience. Like I remember in high school I got my first iPhone and I remember the first time using that iPhone was like a moment you’ll never forget.

Dr James: 

I have the original right here. I’ve got it too, I was in my office. I’ll never get rid of it. I was that kid. Yeah no, and no one could believe it. Like it was so nuts compared to Nokia 3310s and things. Anyway, sorry for jumping in, you were, you were saying yeah, I love that I’ve got my.

Dr Austin: 

I’ve got mine in my drawer right next to me. I’ll never get rid of that original iPhone, but that was just a magical moment that I’ll always remember. And then actually, the I got a Tesla a few years ago and like my first time driving that car, I was like this is like an experience you know. It kind of reminded me like getting my first iPhone. And then when I use chat GBT, I kind of had that same feeling. It was kind of magical. It was like it was the first time wherever was having a conversation with a computer, like a machine. Right, you’re having a conversation and it’s like it feels real and you know it. First use it for like entertaining things like you were talking about, and then it’s like you know how could you use it. It’s like, oh, you could do it. For the description of this podcast is how do you spending 10 minutes trying to write a description of the podcast? You could just say, hey, just chat GBT, make a description of a podcast of two dinners talking about crypto, and you know they’ll split out with a couple prompts of better description than I could do, right.

Dr James: 

So it’s really cool. That’s the level of ability it has. It’s unbelievable. It’s actually it’s like a really funny, witty, humorous, intelligent person Okay, except it’s a robot, you know, and it can just come up with this stuff off the cuff. But anyway, I suppose that’s only loosely related to crypto. Okay, tell me this crypto price prediction. We try to stay away from these things. Crypto price prediction 2024 for Bitcoin. Let’s go 20.

Dr Austin: 

So sometime in 2024.

Dr James: 

Yeah, I suppose what I mean is, you know, the next bull market actually no, that’s not true, because that’ll be 2025, 2025, next bull market peak. What are your thoughts?

Dr Austin: 

Yeah, I would say at the peak of the next bull market. So yeah, sometime 2025 around then. For Bitcoin, I would say probably let’s go with a peak of 175.

Dr James: 

I like that. How cool is it going to be when we listen to this podcast again? And let me do the math here three years time, no, two years time, two years that’s potentially happening. That’ll be really wacky, who knows. But like I say, I’m always here’s, here’s what then soon best does differently, and it’s to portray the responsible message around crypto, which is to not go wacky and go all in like the Twitter tweeting trading gurus and all of that stuff. It’s just to realize that actually, when you do it correctly where the portion of your portfolio and you write out the tough bits because the tough bits come there’s scope there to boost your overall net worth Absolutely and responsible investing in crypto.

Dr Austin: 

I think, personally, is Bitcoin and Ethereum only those two small percentage wherever you’re comfortable losing, and if you stay in those parameters. I think where people get in trouble is investing more than they can afford, having too high of a percentage of their personal net worth in it and then going out into altcoins and small you know, really small cap crypto without having any knowledge of what they’re doing. Those are the ways you really get burned and if you can avoid those, you’ll be better off for sure.

Dr James: 

And those are the ones that make the headlines as well, right, and then everybody just stereotypes or projects that onto the whole space. But yeah, anyway, austin, you’ve been so generous with your time today. Thank you so much. I know that your podcast, doctors of Define, is out there as well. Maybe it might be nice for anybody who’s listening If you could just tell us where we can find out a little bit more about you.

Dr Austin: 

Yeah, yeah, you can listen to our podcast, doctors of Define or other podcasts. That’s actually about dentistry shared practices, if you want to listen to something actually about dentistry. But the Doctors of Define is only about crypto and it’s just me and two other guys. We just talk about, you know, current topics and what our thoughts are, and really it’s just you know three guys having a fun conversation about crypto. 30 minutes each comes out once a week. I think it’s pretty interesting. You know, some episodes are better than others. We just started it recently and we’re getting better. So if you listen to the first episodes, they’re probably not very good, but I think we’re starting to get okay now. So if anyone wants to listen, you know, go ahead. We’re not really doing anything with it other than talking, so don’t expect too much, okay cool, Good stuff.

Dr James: 

Thanks so much. So three days shooting the breeze on crypto, Doctors of Define I’m going to check it out. Thank you for that, Austin. Thank you so much for your time today, my friend All the way from Tennessee Just starting your day whereas we’re just ending our day over here. Thank you so much for your time once again, and we’ll catch up really, really, really soon.

Dr Austin: 

That was great talking to you, thank you.