Dentists Who Invest

Podcast Episode

Full Transcript

James: We are live with Jeremy Krell, OFA Partners, hotly anticipated Facebook Live that I certainly have been looking forward to for quite some time because we’re gonna be talking tonight about this exciting new opportunity, which is venture capital in the dental world, while the, specifically in the dental sphere, there’s been venture capital for the dental world, but it hasn’t been done to this level of refinement and that’s why I’m extremely excited to hear what Jeremy has to say tonight.

I’m looking forward. To learning a lot, as is everybody else. And also to top it all off, it’s unprecedented in the UK as well. Jeremy is based in America and now is the time to cross the pond and open up this whole new dimension of possibilities for dental tech startups. Jeremy, how are you my friend?

Jeremy: James. Thanks so much for having me. It’s really great to be here. Doing well. By introduction. I’m a general dentist like many of you, and those in the community. I have really spent the majority of my career, even though I’ve been in clinical dentistry for a decade.

I’ve really spent the majority of my career in, what we call star, really the startup world, or entrepreneurship in general. Where I’ve been for about 18 years. First I started in tech, then oral, then health tech, now oral tech. And so some of my past companies you may or may not have heard of being across the pond, but Oscar health Insurance, which IPOed about 16 months ago.

As well as Quip the subscription electro toothbrush, oral health product company founded by a British co-founder as well there. And then have spent my time sort of building out first a boutique consulting firm /family office, and now Revere Partners, which is really the first and only venture capital fund that’s exclusively focused on dental technology.

And globally in both our investors and investments. So really happy to be here. 

James: That’s awesome, and you of course are dentist yourself, but you’ve got a history of starting companies that have done extremely well. Can you delve into that a little bit more, because that was something that really impressed me whenever we spoke when I was over in the States to see you recently and prior to that. 

Jeremy: Sure. Absolutely. And look, some of it is sheer dumb luck and some of it is good people and some of it is, listening and leading. But I started in technology really a web and graphic design company that I co-founded with a best friend.

We spun two companies off and sold them to major CPG players. It’s kind of like a bit of a business high, if you will. We went, I went to a luxury good and commodity service targeting college students. We scaled it up. I was the chief director of sales ultimately the chief operating officer before selling the company four years later.

And that was right before the 2008 market crash so kind of escaping by the skin of our teeth, if you will. Very lucky. To have kind of sold that company before anybody really realized what 2008 had to bear. And then, kind of went into development mode during the financial crisis thinking about, how could I do what I had done previously on a larger scale?

And so started. An incubator in Boston together to New York, Chicago, San Francisco. We were kind of industry agnostic and would help startups with three things, kind of lean startup methodology, recruitment and retention of talent. Secondly, recruiting funds, we were not a fund ourselves.

And then lastly, some of the otherwise time consuming or expensive services like web graphic design that would help them get off the ground. And so I round that incubator for five years and loved working with all the new products and services. Before I stepped down to sit on the, on the board.

And that’s when I accepted a leadership role at Oscar Health Insurance leading his department there called Strategic Provider Innovations and Development. And we were focused on some hospital major hospital partner management and health enterprise system management and technology integrations and some special internal projects around federal risk adjustment and virtual teledoc and etc. So very forward thinking, data driven company with a lot of really smart people involved and so much to learn. After my time at Oscar, then I went to Quip, which is that subscription, electric toothbrush, oral health product company. It was kind of my first major foray into dental technology and dental innovation.

And what caught me by, surprisingly, I came to the company so early, roughly 10 employees or less, and a Kickstarter campaign and an Instagram app, and a very small office. There was really from the beginning, this desire to grow and scale a business that would go from product to education to all these professional services.

And it was really, Take over dentistry, model from the very small fry seat that we took initially. But it did, it’s grown tremendously. And look, they’ve raised a couple hundred million in financing and 15 million subscribed users. And it’s really been a great growth story.

So I stayed there and scaled up the professional services side of the organization for about four and a half years, and then finally got into the dark side of the world, the investing side, if you will. And that’s where I am now. I’m stuck here because I love getting involved with multiple different companies and helping them through their earlier and series A kind of growth stages.

James: Hats off to you, because it sounds like you have a flipping unbelievable work ethic, that’s for sure. Especially to, and I know that you’ve exited quite a few of those companies at Opportune moments and then that’s what’s led you, those experiences has led you to create what you have done now, which is Revere Capital Partners, maybe it might be nice to talk a little bit more about that.

Jeremy: It’s interesting. There dentistry is a space that has so much innovation that goes on a lot of people inclusive of, in the industry. Us as dentists, we’re very, inventive. We’re sort of, you’ve probably heard of that part doctor, part engineer, part artist, that acronym for dentist.

And I think it kind of which is true. It’s also a space that’s lagged behind other spaces for a long time in terms of technology innovation. So it’s really ripe. In terms of turning over some of the old models and materials and techniques and, and so that’s really a ripe ground for inventors. The problem was it’s very hindered by capital, so we wanted to create a venture structure that would support early stage technology startups, not just the practice side of the industry.

We kind of started by dentist for dentists with the notion of how do I own what’s in the practice, not just the four walls of the practice itself. So we have a couple of kind of key things to this where we kind of co-founded a unique fund structure. So the first part of it is that basically we will.

Work like a subscription. We have a payment model, so you can invest upfront, if that’s what you prefer, or you can invest over, kind of a quarterly payment structure, so you get to stay more liquid over time, if that’s better for your financial situation. That was really important to us.

The second thing from the investor perspective, was the diversification. There’s so much demand here. We wanted to invest in three to five companies per quarter. And so we’ve done that investing in 22 to date since we were publicly launched, which is the beginning of 2021.

We were in operations for 18 months prior to that, sort of about three years old now. Beyond the diversification, we wanted a structure that would allow us to market the fund. Which we are able to do. We wanted a structure that would remain open ended and allow us to continue to raise capital into the fund without shutting it off, closing the fund.

This way as more people learn about it, like yourselves who want to invest, they can, It’s open to investment. And so it was really kind of crucial that we land on this structure to do it. Today, we have between about 480 and 500 companies in the pipeline. Across our data stack, our tech stack and our team of 75 people, that puts about 125 to 150 in active diligence at any time.

And as I mentioned, we invest in three to five a quarter. We’ve invested in 22 and one’s been acquired already, and three are in acquisition conversation. So quite a bit of movement. We’re very strategic investors, so we put this ecosystem of support services around any of the startups that we invest.

Some 20, 25 support services, and we have a whole corporate services arm of our team too, where we’re serving kind of more organized dentistry. The big manufacturers, distributors ensures DSOs, etc., etc., because they’re also looking for how do we source deals? How do we diligence deals? How do we deploy capital in an agile capacity?

How do we support those investments? And so we’ve really kind of put ourselves at the intersection of. The dental assets that are looking to raise capital and dental investors that are looking to put a dollar on some or a variety of dental investments. 

James: That’s awesome. Let’s break it down to a real, real fundamental level.

For those out there who are listening and they’re unsure a few of the terms that were in there. DSOs, what does that stand for? 

Jeremy: Dental support organization, these are the chains of dental offices which may be called different things in different countries, but basically a chain, a multi-location. 

James: I see. That’s awesome. 

Jeremy: Franchise like model, if you will. 

James: So yes, DSOs, I don’t know if that’s more of an American term because it’s not something I’ve ever come across. On over here

Jeremy: It’s a way that you can file your practices, you register your practices at DSO, it’s also important because their corporate structure is one where they don’t just have the professional corporations, the business that their doctors own.

But they have a management company that sits on top and that anybody can own a piece of the management company, even a non-dentist. It’s also important just based on how they operate. They, DSO is a bit of a spectrum in terms of how they do their day to day business. Meaning some of them will centralize branding, some not.

Some will centralize procurement, some not. Some will centralized technology decisions and deployment. Some not this is really important for. It tends to be in most dental markets, really important for the startups because they like to grow within this environment. You can make one enterprise sale to multi-location practice and get a good chunk of revenue.

You get a lot of feedback, a lot of validation. So it’s really good to grow there. U.S. Is currently around about 150,000 dental practices. It’s about 22% consolidated into these DSOs. And estimates are, within five years at 30% may, maybe even sooner. So it’s a massively growing trend in the United States to consolidate these practices into a bigger group.

James: We have a name for that actually. We call them corporates over here. So it sounds like a lack thing. Really. Just different terminology. Interesting. We’ve got some people commenting that they have startups and they’re all ears listening to this conversation, and that’s an important thing that should touch upon Jeremy, what you’ve already mentioned.

This is not just us speaking about you from the point of view that you’d like dentist to invest in Revere. And hence granite more liquidity. It’s actually us extending the arm to anybody out there who has. Any sort of startup centered around the dental world, but we’ll come onto that in just two minutes in more detail.

Piera, I see you in the comments there, my friend. It sounds like Piera is a candidate for this by the looks of it, according to what he said about his software company and will come onto that in just two minutes. Why do you think that there is a funding gap or a gap in the market for these sorts of companies, which you’re now addressing. 

Jeremy: It takes a lot. It takes one to no one is kind of the short answer this is a niche space. You can do really well in this space in a lot of ways from working in a corporate manufactured distributor insurance or your version of corporate practices or as a dentist you can do really well or as a startup, but you have to know the space. And for most investors, they simply do not, especially institutional investors, venture capitalists, and other structured funds, they simply do not have the data to know the space.

So actually, one of the first things we did in our first 18 months of operations was gather the data on now roughly about 700 companies and their funding history, what dates did they raise, how much did they raise? How much did they change in value and tagging that by the type of company and the stage of fundraising so that we could track these changes in value over time by different company types and rounds. And that really helped us to understand the space and how to operate in it. We’ve also been operators, myself and our general partner and CFO. We’ve been operators of dental startups before. So it’s really tough to operate in a space that you don’t know for anybody who thinks or says that the dental space is too small from an investment perspective, that right there just validates the lack of knowledge.

Just in the United states, there’s about 180 billion US dollars spent on the provision of dental care. That’s just the rendering of dental services it doesn’t count all the product markets around dental toothpaste or toothbrushes or, scanning, intra scanning software or AI . It doesn’t include any of that so from the perspective of somebody who’s in the space, knows the space, has the data on the space. It is known if you have other investors trying to mark you to other comparables. So if they’re trying to say, you’re an AI company and we expect our other AI companies to perform like this or, you’re a FinTech company and we expect our other FinTech companies to perform like this, why is it different in dental? That just shows they don’t know the space or the. So I think that’s the big funding gap is really a big knowledge gap. 

James: Are you the first venture capital firm in the dental world or are there others?

Jeremy: We are the first independent venture capital funds. So when I say independent, we are not associated with any other corporation and the first venture capital fund that is dedicated. To dental technology there are definitely private equity funds, for example, that invest in dental practices, which we do not do from this fund.

And then in addition to that we are also global in both our investors and investments. So really there’s three firsts in there. First, to be independent VC fund, first to be a dedicated to dental technology and first to be global. 

James: That’s awesome interest and stuff. Anybody out there in the audience who has a dental tech startup, Jeremy is the person that you want to talk to.

And we have something interesting along those lines that will be announcing before this podcast is over. Of course, an exciting event that’ll be occurring on dental. Who invest for all you would be entrepreneurs out there. All not just the would be entrepreneurs, but the entrepreneurs who are out there and doing it, but wanna scale as well.

Jeremy, so as we say, you’re obviously, you represent venture capital in the dental, in the dental world. What is the most exciting things that you’ve seen that are coming up in the dental sphere? Obviously without spilling any beans and anything that we shouldn’t but as much as you can say things to look forward to.

Jeremy: Some really cool innovations coming down the pipeline. I think one of the areas that gets talked a lot about is AI. Most people talk about object or image recognition. There’s all kinds of AI being applied, which I think is super exciting. There are new intraoral scanning devices that even allow the patient to do it or the provider to do it, but much quicker and still at very high.

Acuity and accuracy. There are microbiome companies that are looking at what are the bad bacteria in your mouth and how do we educate people about those and what can we do to treat them? So those are really exciting orthodonture and different ways to allow general practitioners to treat complex cases.

3D printing of bone scaffolding, robots that cut teeth and place implants by themselves. There is a repertoire of new innovations coming down the pipeline. Now it, since we’ve seen hundreds of these, it takes a bit to catch me by surprise. But every now and then, you walk down and. Your emails and you find that there are now nanobots that can help to clear the plaque on your teeth so there really is something for everyone there really cutting edge future of dentistry stuff. 

James: That is so cool. Honestly call me. Maybe it’s just a sign of me getting old.

But we’re actually at that point now where science fiction is becoming real, or at least it appears to be anyway, conventional science fiction that we were raised on, or at least exposed to via pop culture during growing up. Like I remember watching iRobot. And there was a scene where he talked to his speaker to turn it off.

And I remember being blown away. And that happened like five flipping years ago. So it just technology grows exponentially. We’ve got MES law that premise everything that the smartest computers in the world double in power every 18 months. And what do we know?

As soon as something doubles, it grows exponentially as well. And it’s obviously the dental space. There’s no exception for that. There’ll be some, entrepreneurs in the audience tonight. What are you looking for from these individuals? For them to make themselves invest worthy for Revere? 

Jeremy: Bear in mind with anything that I say here, you can’t go back and change anything in the past.

You can only have control over the future. There are a variety of things that certainly help first, do you have something that’s groundbreaking? Is your product or your service, is it really gonna change the way that dentistry is practiced, or the provider experience, or the patient experience or health outcomes?

Is it gonna make those significantly better? And really serve the value chain. Another one is more from the people perspective how are you in terms of your interpersonal skills, your team working skills, your leadership skills does your background warrant what you’re saying that you can do or that your team is going to do in terms of founding this company and running this company?

Are you coachable? Can you take feedback? We get on calls. Sometimes we give feedback, which not a lot of VCs necessarily do. And when that is met with resistance or defensiveness that is not necessarily taken well on the investor side.

So that’s kind of another thing to kind of think about. and then there’s much more to it. Is your market size? Are you thinking about your market size reasonably? Your tam, your Sam, your samm. Are you identifying who you need to be targeting right now at this stage? is that there? So I think those are some of the key elements that we look for right up front.

James: I think the EQ thing is massive in business and still somehow underrated. You can have the best product in the world, but if you have no people skills, you’re never gonna be able to get yourself out there and promote it.

It’s actually a huge thing. In fact, if anything, it takes president. Obviously there has to be some level of. Technical worthiness, I suppose, in whatever you’ve created effectively, but the soft skills are the new hard skills. I don’t even know if that’s a revelation for most people listening, but it certainly was something that struck me through going through this whole entrepreneurial journey.

The greatest CEOs are the people with the greatest EQ who are the most in touch with reality. 

Jeremy: That’s absolutely right. And these are the life our venture, having great investors and excellent startups is are the lifeblood of any fund so we’re inviting these people not only to our portfolio, but to our team.

So we really wanna see that. You’re after it that your strengths, that you’re aware, your weaknesses, and you’re able to mitigate those weaknesses and push harder on the strengths when you need to. I think that’s critical. No one kind of takes a village.

No one person can run an entire startup. So, if you’re more the clinical side or the technical side or the science side, well think about who’s gonna run the business side it’s not an ego. As we like to say at the fund, no ego amigo you need to have friends to run the entire business.

There need to be people on the management and leadership team, people on the finance team, operations, marketing no startup has all these positions from the start. But you do need to have a plan for this. You do need to be open to the influence of other people.

James: 100%. And here’s something that I was ruminating over before we came on this live, and I was thinking, what an interest and space to invest in, because you’ve got all these people, and the majority of these people who are creating these startups will be dentists. Now Let’s break down what a dentist is.

A dentist is someone who’s had the perseverance and dedication to push themselves to the pinnacle of education by flipping default. As soon as you hear that, as soon as you know that they’re a dentist, as soon as you hear that they’re a dentist, you already know that they’ve got this level of grit and determination and steeliness and intelligence that’s afforded to, I don’t have any hard numbers, but let’s say 1% of the population. Point five. And now you’re picking the people within that who have the entrepreneurial flare and intelligence as well. And all I’m gonna say is that those things lend themselves into each other. They go hand in hand.

And what I mean by that is because those people already have those attributes already, a lot of them will have the determination required to be an entrepreneur. And it would be interesting, I don’t know how we’re ever gonna get these statistics to know how many per head entrepreneurs we have per dentist for us as dentists within the dental professsion versus per head in the general population. Maybe I’m just talking absolute nonsense and maybe it’s exactly the same, but all I’m gonna say is it lends into itself there must be something in there. 

Jeremy: Absolutely. A hundred percent. It’s no coincidence that spark that happens at the beginning of the startup.

It’s people working really well together on something that they mutually enjoy, and that’s what does it. 

James: Let’s offer some advice to the startups. In the audience and the people who are thinking about starting their own business, people who have that entrepreneurial far and start inside of them, but they just don’t know where to start, or they get imposter syndrome or they think the only thing that they know is dentistry.

What would you say to those people? 

Jeremy: First of all, you gotta go for it, if you think that there’s a real problem and that you have a solution to it, that’s the time to act, you might have wish that came when you were at the beginning of your career and you didn’t have much to lose.

It didn’t. It came now, or maybe it did and you are at the beginning of your career. But the idea, the problem, the solution, it comes when it comes. So you have to kind of get after it and realizing fully that that can be scary, especially for people who have worked so hard to get a dental degree.

Work so hard to practice the profession for so long. Build up your patient roster. And the trust among your patients and your community, and we fully, understand how hard it is to then split your time or even step away. Doing something that you used to do habitually or a profession that you’ve used to practice.

 You’re never gonna know what the startup can turn into unless you pursue it, it doesn’t, only for a very transient period of time. Can you really do it part-time? A lot of failure results just from doing it, but barely. So I think that’s one part of it.

I think another kind of key piece or key almost pitfall that I see with a lot of startups is you have to share, in order to get yourself. Further, you have to be willing to share what you’re working on and look for help and people that can help you. People that think that they can’t share until a patent was filed can’t share until an NDA is signed.

You stand to lose a lot more than you stand to gain. there are some copycats out there, but you have to be confident in your own ability to execute that you are either further ahead of them or that they could never execute the vision you have in your mind, you need to have that conviction going into it.

I’m not saying share every bit of the source code or the entire product development plan and all of its specs. I’m not saying that. But you do need to share. You need to give a little bit to get, and you stand to gain a lot. So those are two of the kind of key early pieces of advice I would give other startup.

James: So through doing what I do in dentist to invest and the Reignite Circle, which I’m involved in as well, which a few people know me from who are listening, it’s effectively a business coaching circle for people who haven’t heard about it and I keep seeing the same things come up and everybody hits the same hurdles, Biggest ones imposter syndrome, I gotta say is up there.

The one that you said about not sharing. That’s gotta be up there too. Like we’re indoctrinated to think that we have to have some sort of legal document in order to disclose what we’re proposing and not just that, just with flipping everything, people are so obsessed with getting documents and signing agreements and contracts and what have you.

If someone really does not like you and does want to get you, it doesn’t matter what a contract says, they’ll find a way. So the actual best way to avoid all of. Is just to be nice as hell to absolutely everyone, at least in my experience anyway. And the thing about it is, if you are actually like that, it won’t be inauthentic anyway.

You just gotta be real, and people will buy from you because you’re a person that they can relate to. That’s actually your greatest strength is your uniqueness. And I just wanted to touch upon one thing that you said which was just like what you were saying a minute ago, people.

Feel like if someone beats them that’s because they’ve disclosed too much information about what they do. I would actually flip that on its head, and I would say, Listen, if anybody beats me in this game, in whatever I do, I actually see that as a reflection on me and the fact that I need to improve.

I’m looking here, not here if that occurs, because what it means is that there’s something that I didn’t do. There’s something that I could be much better at. There’s something that I could have improved upon, and that for me is the lesson or the gift when something like that occurs. It’s just a mindset flip, and if anything, it’s an opportunity to learn and push yourself further.

Jeremy: Absolutely. It’s an early startup. It isn’t gonna build itself. You gotta do it 

James: And another thing that you said, and I love this stuff. Like this stuff gives me energy big time when I’m on those coaching calls and when I’m doing this effectively.

because we’re just talking about the same thing. One of the greatest things is fear. That’s one of the biggest things that holds people back is this fear that once upon a time served, Back when we used to be cave men cave women. Now this is gonna get a little bit abstract, but bear with me.

Alright. Once upon a time, when we lived in Caves, the thing that kept us in the cave, so we didn’t venture outside when we didn’t need to, was fear. But the difference was back then, if we went outside, we’d get eaten by a wild animal, something bad would happen. So, effectively, the people that did do that, the people that did push, those boundaries were removed from the flipping gene pool.

We don’t have to worry about that when we walk outta our front door some, or pushing ourself outside of our comfort zone or doing something that may not necessarily be accepted by our peers. It doesn’t have the same level as importance as it did when we live these very secluded tribal lifestyles.

Whereas nowadays, that’s actually the thing that people are seeking to avoid. Sometimes that’s the fear, it’s the fear of rejection of those around them. What if it doesn’t work out? What if people laugh at me? What if this X, y, and Z happens? That’s how that fear doesn’t serve you anymore, but it’s actually this ancient instinct that still resides in our heads and that for me, How I at least perceive that in other people when I see it and listen, we all get it.

I get it. Everybody gets it from some time to time, but that for me is how I’ve reconciled that or understood it. That’s why I perceive it that.

Then you not have the perspective and self-awareness to understand that it actually is that fear that doesn’t serve you. And even if it’s not true, it’s still a theory that works that allows you to push yourself anyway. Like I said, we’re getting a little abstract there, but I do, I do absolutely, love this stuff. We’ve got some questions coming in. We have Facebook user, how many active users, tech startup companies would, should have. Let me just construct this sentence here because it’s a bit jumbled. How many active users tech startup should a tech startup company have before approaching venture capital firms? I believe that’s what the question is trying to say. 

Jeremy: We get this question a lot. There isn’t necessarily a hard number. Every startup is so different. It’s product or its service. We are attracted to traction, naturally speaking. When you’re showing us that there’s demand for this thing that you’ve done or that you’ve built, we wanna know more about it.

So that could come in the form of, user engagement, number of users, how actively they’re using it, how they’re increasing their usage of it or consumption of it. It could come in dollars. Dollars of revenue, growth of revenue, month over month, year over year. There are a lot of different metrics that.

 Effectively show traction. There isn’t a specific dollar. Some venture capital funds will even look pre-revenue if they’re gonna do that. And that’s more and more rare these days, especially the way the market is. But if they’re gonna do that you should confirm that before you get on the call to avoid yourself and them being frustrated.

But other than that if you think that you can show. Improvement over one month to the next, one month to the next, for the past three months at least. And strong reason to believe it’s only gonna increase the month after. I think that’s probably a good guideline to go by.

James: So this question vaguely came up between you and I beforehand, although not quite in the same format, but something similar. And I was saying to you, Listen Jeremy, when these people approach me on. Is there any such thing as too early to be seeking venture capital? And the way that you phrased it stuck with me a little bit because you said, Listen, as long as it’s a tear above an idea jotted on a napkin, then it’s good, it’s worth a conversation.

because here’s the thing, even if it’s not like, we’re gonna jump in and invest in them tomorrow, it’s a conversation starter. And as it’s a process, it’s an evolution. It’s a journey. Maybe now is not the time, but because we’ve had the introduction today further down the line, it’s a door that’s open potentially anyway, so it’s a good question though.

Mark Warren has contributed something, and I’m not sure if this is the first time you’ve heard this joke, but I think it’s mildy witty, if not surely You mean denture capital? We get a lot of different words thrown out there, den tech, oral tech. I don’t know that I’ve heard denture capital, but I’ll take it.

So is that original for you or not? because I thought to myself that’s not gonna be the first time Jeremy’s heard. 

Jeremy: No, I think that’s actually the first time I’ve heard it. I’ll take that one as original. 

James: That’s good, that’s a worthy contribution then. Thank you for that. Mark.

Guys, anybody who is listening, feel free to pop your questions in the chat, Jeremy, because obviously you’re based in America. Do you anticipate any hurdles to invest in other parts of the world? The UK included? 

Jeremy: No. Because of the market or just in general? An element 

James: I suppose.

 The full thing, like regulatory or cultural. 

Jeremy: So we’re international in our investors and investments. We have investments into Switzerland, into Spain, we’re looking at a couple of German ones now. We have investments into Israel, Brazil a number of other, we’re looking into a couple in India.

So there’s definitely economies of scale to our, the back office that we’ve partnered with and that we’ve built. So we really don’t have any trouble, so long as there are reasonable provisions between countries which in, the vast majority of cases there are, we have not really had any trouble investing internationally.

James: Awesome. guys, anybody, entrepreneurs, we’ve got something exciting that we’re gonna announce tonight. I like to keep these things to about 40 minutes short, sweet, powerful, punchy, tangible, and impactful as possible. Jeremy has partnered, his firm has partnered with Dentist who invest, dentist who invests one of the official ambassadors for Revere Capital, and we are effectively the UK wing for Jeremy’s Operation.

Anybody, entrepreneurs who are listening tonight, listen to this podcast, whether live or whether the recorded version, we’ve got something exciting for you Dentist who invest Over the next few days, we’re gonna be a nice and dentist who invest Dragons Den. That’s where we want you guys to come along and pitch your companies.

We want as many as possible. We want the best of the best. We’re only gonna let the best of the best on the live show where we, the dragons are gonna be breaking down your company. Analyzing it from the bottom up, plus also giving you actionable advice, a ticket to the next level. So it’s really gonna be worthwhile for you guys.

Anybody out there who’s got a company who is just at the start of their journey, or even have or even progressing nicely through their journey, what a valuable opportunity to have the dragons analyze your company and break it down the best of the fast from. Live content from that live video, from that live broadcast that we’ll be creating on the group, which will be shot, which will be broadcast over the next few weeks.

The best of the best will be able to pitch their companies to Jeremy and have the opportunity for some serious venture capital, which is gonna take your business to the next level. I’m flipping excited for that. I don’t know about you Jeremy.

Jeremy: Super excited. It kind of takes me back to your analogy with the caveman and if you went out of the cave, you’d get eaten by and I wanted you to say, Dragon the dragons then announcement.

Super excited for it. And you can definitely kind of. View James and dentists who invest as, kind of our eyes and ears on the ground and in your part of the world. And we’re so excited to be looking there because there’s often advantages. I know a lot of companies want to enter the US market and it’s dental market.

There are other big markets around the world too. Their big Brazil, I’d argue is a bigger market dentally than the U.S. Australia has a booming dental market. Not only that, sometimes for regulatory reasons, other markets are more viable. Sometimes it’s easier in the EU or with Health Canada or some other systems.

So look, we’re very excited to be looking at international dental technology, or should I say Venture Capital. 

James: Venture capital. There we go. That’s awesome. That was quite a moment of brilliant. Sarah Mark I really enjoyed that. Thank you. Also as well as that I was gonna say something else.

 This is the best way that I had someone maybe about a year ago. Explain venture capital or investing in someone else’s company. It’s not just the money that comes into it, it’s the connections and opportunities that come because of it, because they know I have a vested interest in it and it becomes effectively a social enter.

Which is really cool and I guess that it made sense, but I never had it explained in that sense to me, and I really, really enjoyed that. So I’m just gonna plant that seed. Leave it to simmer and grow and Germany it until Jeremy and I appear on the group again next with Dental Dragons.

Then anybody who’s watching it this broadcast live tonight, you’ve just had a sneak peek of what we’re going to do. Get formulating your ideas if you haven’t done already for how you’re gonna pitch that company that you have to us, or even begin to grow your company or begin your entrepreneurial journey.

Because seriously, it’s a whole flipping dimension to life that I feel that everybody should have their finger in the pie on that one.. It’s so much fun and if I can say anything to encourage anybody to go down that path tonight, I will do, and I’m so looking forward to Dennis who invest Dragons down, which will be an nounced on the group in the coming few days.

Jeremy, anything that you would like to say? Just to round off proceedings tonight. 

Jeremy: No. Thank you so much, James. Really appreciate the opportunity. Hope everybody enjoyed it. Looking forward to hearing from the community and those who want to invest, those who have startups. We can’t wait to hear what your interests are.

James: Jeremy, thank you so much for your time tonight, my friend. We shall catch up super soon. Take care.